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Jobs by MPMS Holdings (Trinidad) limited

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MPMS Holdings (Trinidad) limited

MPMS Holdings [Trinidad] was formed and incorporated in December of 1998 by Martin & Debra Philbert. This Company was created as the holding and parent company of Martins Plumbing & Maintenance Services Limited [ MPMSL], waste Control Services Limited [WSCSL], Elegant Bathrooms Limited [EBL] and Merlin Genuine Spare Parts Ltd.
Inactive for the first two years, this holdings company began engaging in real estate purchasing and has acquired so far, prime locations in the following areas: St. Augustine[sold], San Juan, Arima, Port of Spain. The combined value of these assets exceeds Eighteen Million Dollars.
MPMS Holdings Trinidad Limited located at Lot #48 O`Meara industrial Estate Arima is currently under the Directorship of Mr. Martin Philbert. Martin Philbert is the holder of a valid Sanitary Constructor`s Licence issued to him by the Water and Sewerage Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (WASA) and has been involved in the Plumbing Construction Industry for more than thirty-five (35) years. He has successfully completed several major projects both in Trinidad and Tobago as well as the Caribbean Islands. Martin`s determination and devotion to his companies and the industry in general has resulted in steady growth for the business and thus the creation of MPMS Holdings [Trinidad] Limited.
The company is located on one acre of land and houses an office block, large warehouse, garage facilities and parking facilities to house its subsidiaries and relative fleet[s] of vehicles. This location also furnishes as our Head Office quarters for the entire above caption companies. The Administrative team of the company retains the Directors, Financial Comptroller/Accountant, HR Admin and Operations.

The company provides services for the following however it`s not limited to this alone:
  • Buying, selling and leasing of real estate
  • Procurement, selling, leasing, maintenance of equipment

We have under taken projects in 2009 to:
  • Supply and maintain one Gap Vac Combination Jetter Equipment to the Water and Sewage Authority of Trinidad and Tobago
  • To lease one of owned property located at Prizgar road, san Juan to the Water and Sewage Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

We acquired Merlin Genuine Spare Parts in 2011 as another real estate together with their operations, assets and goodwill. This company has earned well over thirty (30) years of experience in the motor industry to supply parts and equipment.

MPMS Holdings [Trinidad] Limited shall continue to grow and to provide any relevant services[s] to the industry.


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