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Texila American University

Texila American University Group
World Class Affordable Educational Provider

As an International Educational Group, we are steadfast in our commitment to provide a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs to the student community across the globe through campus - based and blended learning options using our global centers and authorized representatives.

Our educational institutions offer a wide range of career-focused undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Management and Information Technology.
The core objective of TAU Group is to make world class education accessible and affordable to students across the world. Students can choose to enhance their knowledge in convenient learning modes without compromising on their jobs and time for family.

Our curriculum is aligned and continuously upgraded to meet the growing industry needs and to empower our students to chart their own future in the demanding professional landscape. Student-focused pedagogy, compassionate and knowledgeable faculty, Intellectual diversity, academic rigor, healthy industry-academic relationship, internships, volunteer programs etc., are part of students' life at Texila.

With a passion for excellence and innovation, Texila American University Group is committed on its mission for making a positive difference in the communities by nurturing thought leaders. When our students succeed, societies benefit and countries prosper at large. Together, let us strive to transform our world into a better place.


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