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eWaste Company


The eWaste Company  Limited was formed with the mission of providing private companies, local, state & federal government and institutions with electronics recycling solutions that represent a viable, economical alternative to environmental contamination.

As you may know, effective June 2006, SWMCOL, the government appointed body for the end of life disposal of items have now banned these computer and IT related products from entering into their landfills. These are considered hazardous and many of them contain carcinogens.

Clients rely on us for an efficient, cost-effective way to recycle electronic equipment, minimize liability risks, eliminate warehousing fees and ensure that proprietary information is completely removed through data destruction.

The eWaste Company Limited having looked at the shortcomings of ALL present eWaste providers in Trinidad, can boast of an absolutely zero tolerance, 0% to landfill policy. TeWCL.


Our service costs are unmatched with many industry first prices and our staff is both highly qualified and experienced in the field of eWaste. 


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